Fundraising Ideas

Please email for a list close to your area in 2016/ 2017 or how we can support your fundraising and preparation for the event –

Wolf Run, Bristol Half Marathon, Cardiff 10k or Half Marathon and Birmingham Half Marathon

We are currently looking for individuals or teams of runners willing to take part in a number of fundraising events during September – November, including the Wolf Run, Bristol Half Marathon, Cardiff 10k or Half Marathon and Birmingham Half Marathon.

The foundation will cover your entry fee and all we ask for in return is to raise a minimum of £150 in sponsorship.

More Adventurous Fundraising ideas…

For the more adventurous among us, why not try a slightly different event:

Wife Carrying Races

The 3rd UK Wife Carrying Race will take place on Sunday 18 March 2013. Men or women can carry a “wife” (who can be of either sex and no relation) over a distance of around 200m. It takes place near Dorking’s Box Hill (

Cheese Rolling

This race involves chasing Double Gloucester cheeses down the disturbingly steep Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire. The Cheese Roll takes place each summer for more details visit

World Bog-Snorkelling Championships

An unusual but well established event on the British calendar: a 60-yard swim in a Welsh drainage ditch. It takes place on Sunday 26th August, 2012 (

Dragon Boat Racing

Dragon boat events are a brilliant method of having fun and raising funds for charity. Please visit who we are working in partnership with. Gable Events has over 15 years experience in organising dragon boat events for fundraising, motivation, team building and fun.

Their experience ranges from the organisation of a charity dragon boat event in Windsor that raised over £100,000 to the marketing and organisation of the Milton Keynes Dragon Boat Festival which is now Britain’s largest corporate dragon boat event attracting 60 crews.